
National Trust Farmhouse Cookbook
Laura Mason
National Trust
October 2009
Every region of Britain has a selection of recipes that bring out the best of the local ingredients, traditional cooking techniques and are much loved by locals and visitors — Sally Lunn Bread and Strawberry Cider from the West Country; Curd Tart and Yorkshire Pudding from God’s Own Country; and, Partridge Pudding and Kentish Huffkins from the Garden of England.
These wonderful recipes - from salads, soups, stews and roasts to cakes, buns and bread — celebrate British food and specific local foods. But more than that, the book offers a range of recipes that can delight palates all over the United Kingdom

Healthy Mediterranean Cooking
Rena Salaman
Francis Lincoln
October 1999
Over 100 recipes low in cholesterol and saturated fats, and high in fibre and vitamins. They are concocted from the healthiest of ingredients: grains, fresh fruit, vegetables, high-protein fish, lean meat and poultry.
Quick and easy to prepare, these dishes have been culled from every corner of the Mediterranean, and feature the cuisines of France, Italy, Spain and Greece, as well as exotic dishes from North Africa and the Middle East.
Greek olive bread, couscous salad with peaches, Provencal seafood casserole, penne with salsa cruda, orange and almond custard are a few of the dishes in this book.

The Rice Book
Sri Owen
This is the definitive encyclopedia of rice, incorporating a dazzling cookbook.
The first part of the book covers the many varieties of rice; the nutritional value; its history and agriculture; the cults, cultures and myths which have grown up around it; and its importance through the ages.
The second part is an international compilation of nearly 200 recipes. These can come from regions such as the Camargue and Louisiana. They also emanate from countries as diverse as Afghanistan, the Philippines, Korea, Iran, Japan, and Russia.